
Use Git to manage your file version: History

Show the current commit log on grach

# graph
git log --oneline --graph

git log –oneline –graph

# include timestamp
git log --oneline --graph --pretty=format:"%h <%an> %ar %s"

git log &ndash;oneline &ndash;graph

# specify the specific author's logs
git log --oneline --graph --author="KeJyun"

git log &ndash;oneline &ndash;graph

# specify the different author's logs
git log --oneline --graph --author="KeJyun\|KJ"

git log &ndash;oneline &ndash;graph

git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all

git log &ndash;oneline &ndash;graph

git log --pretty=oneline --graph --decorate --all

git log &ndash;oneline &ndash;graph

git log --oneline --graph --color --all --decorate

Search commit message on logs

git log --oneline --grep="文章"

Show tree graph log

git log --graph --oneline --all
git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
$ git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
*   74eff4f Merge branch 'feature/jwt_auth_package_update' of github.com:kejyun/kejyun
| * 6ad01dd [jwt] upgrade jwt package at frontend
| * 7690a01 [package] - jwt upgrade
* | 8b25aeb [test] - codedeploy
* | d172c17 [test] - code deploy
* | 37474c1 [Module] - add KJModule
* | 1c6c4c5 [test] - test code deploy
* 1150a44 [modify] - job update
